The Gardens

Tour The Gardens

Tour the beautiful gardens at the Dominguez Rancho Adobe Museum.  Explore hidden grottos, orchards and more. Take a peaceful stroll through the Rose Garden and Cactus Garden on the tour. Enjoy seeing and learning about the various flower plants, succulents, and trees thriving all over the Dominguez Rancho.

The Rose Garden

One of the first things you will see when you park at the Dominguez Rancho Adobe Museum is the Rose Gardens and surrounding Topiary. The Dominguez Seminarians built a rose garden as a summer Works Project Administration (W.P.A.) under President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal program in the 1940s. Father Pat and other Seminarians designed the garden and planted roses from the Del Amo Nursery. Currently the rose garden has over 300 roses that give the Dominguez Rancho Adobe Museum a picturesque view.

The Cactus Garden

Started in 1974 by all volunteer workers, this garden is a wonderful place to walk and see a wide variety of cactus brought together in one place. Visit more than once as the garden is always changing with different cactus flowering throughout the year.

The Orchards

The orchard was planted in the 1880s and consisted of groves of apple, pear, lemon, orange and other deciduous fruit trees. The orchard was maintained for almost forty years. What remains is the last acre from the lemon and orange grove combined with a variety of fruits planted in the 1930s by Gregorio Del Amo, husband of Susana Dominguez.

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